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  2. Supporter Management

How to Refund Donations

Reimburse funds and issue a refund receipt from your Reporting dashboard.

Refunding donations on Snowball is easy. Click into an individual transaction from any transaction reporting table. Then, at the top right-hand side of the transaction detail view, click the "Refund" button .

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You have the option to provide a refund reason for your records. You can also mark the donation as fraudulent, if applicable. Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 12.41.43 PM

The donation will be labeled as “refunded,” and a Refund Details area will appear on the donation’s record. A refund receipt will also be emailed to the supporter. Please allow three to five business days for this transaction to be refunded to the supporter’s account. 

  • Please note you're still required to pay the transaction fee of the refunded donation. 
  • Please note that the refund feature may not be available if you are using a custom payment processor.